by Sarah Gaither | Apr 16, 2021 | News and Events, Uncategorized
Free Community Surveillance Testing Big Sky Relief, the collaborative COVID-19 relief effort, announced the Big Sky Winter COVID-19 Surveillance Testing Partnership to keep the community healthy and businesses open entering the winter season. The free,...
by Sarah Gaither | Mar 16, 2021 | News and Events
We use funds in our Hungry Moose account to purchase fresh produce, lunch meats and cheeses, nuts and dried fruit. Thank you for your support!
by Sarah Gaither | Apr 21, 2020 | News and Events, Uncategorized
Donate Online! or use PO Box 160965, Big Sky MT 59716
by Sarah Gaither | Mar 26, 2020 | News and Events, Uncategorized
Pro tip: You may always send a friend or neighbor, if you’re unable to get to the food bank on your own! They just need your name and birthdate. If you’re a new or returning Food Bank customer and have been quarantined or are in need of food box delivery,...
by Sarah Gaither | Mar 16, 2020 | News and Events, Uncategorized
We have been so very thankful for the outpouring of support already seen from the Big Sky community. We have all confidence that we’ll be able to meet the needs of our friends and neighbors in Big Sky. To help to slow the transmission of the novel coronavirus,...
by Sarah Gaither | Feb 21, 2020 | Carusel Post, News and Events, Uncategorized
We are now offering $10 vouchers for fresh produce and household necessities from the Country Market. Get them at the Food Bank! We’re open Tues & Thurs 3-7pm and Weds & Fri 11am-3pm.