Our Mission

Helping Big Sky become a stable and livable year-round community for all.

By utilizing community resources, BSCFB enhances the food security, health and dignity of everyone in the Big Sky area.

 Services accessed by Big Sky households through BSCFB this year:

Income Tax Filing Assistance
Energy Assistance
MT Healthy Kidspacks
Senior Groceries
Toiletries & Resource Kits
SNAP Application assistance
Produce Vouchers
Gas cards
Community Service
Healthcare Insurance Application Assistance
Case Management

 Top customer requests for support, other than food:

Case management and resource navigation for Spanish-speakers through our partnership with Bienvenidos

Requests for case management with Big Sky’s Community Health Worker through our partnership with Wellness in Action

Recovery support for substance use through our partnerships with Rimrock Foundation and Be Well Big Sky

Our Impact this Year.

icon of a person holding a box of food

Total food boxes given
icon of a person holding a box of food

Total customers served
icon of a person holding a box of food

New customers this year
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